Thursday, October 28, 2010

Social Media Can Make A Social Change!

Social media is a change in mass, which means having a lot of people agreeing to change something for the better usually. The article 'Social Network for Social Good' talks about how social media can be used for social good and the power of social connections for good causes, like Charity Water for example, which aims to get the word out about the need for clean drinking water worldwide. Using social media is a very strong and powerful way to get people aware about a lot of things happening around the world that you don't necessarily hear on the radio or see on TV. I don’t think it is as affective as gathering people and protesting but it is definitely another form of help aside from striking or protesting, which is something people are not willing to do everyday as there are risks involved as well. It is very affective for raising money and raising awareness as well. Some celebrity’s use their celebrity status to get people involved like Jessica Biel’s social network, "Make the Difference Network". So over all I believe that social media has helped make social change on a small scale but even so a small change is better than no change at all.
There are other great sites that people are involved in like Idealist and and you as well can check them out and get involved.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kanye West's Digital Film: Runaway

Runaway is digital film made by Kanye, You can only view this musical online and the cinematography includes some very bright lights and scenes. It’s about this bird or angel that crashes down to earth and kayne falls in love with her and shows her around but at a dinner people weren’t really that accepting of her and when she saw a bird being served she just freaked out and couldn’t take it. So she tells kanye that she can’t stay in this world because the people are just harsh and not understanding. I don’t think it fits into traditional hip-hop culture but it does fit into the shifting hip-hop culture and what the new generation are into. It was new and different with a nice message to it.
View Runaway here:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I really like this blog because it has all the latest and new findings in technology. It's updated everyday and it has so many interesting posts. The quality of the blog is really good and its easy to find different blogs and move around and about the blog. It is a very nice and easy blog to use. I also like the fact that it talks about all kinds of different technologies. So things like cars, airplanes, computers, projects like solar systems and so on. I would rate this blog a 3 out of 3 and I would advise someone that is new to blogging to check it out because of the fact that it is interesting and easy to use. Besides who isnt interested in all the new things happening around the world these days!!

Here is a link to the blog:Autopia

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What do you prefer Coke, Pepsi or NONE!!!

I would prefer to drink pepsi over coke because I like the taste of Pepsi more. But i would actually prefer to drink neither because I've heard a lot of negative things about pop. Not only do they deteriorate your teeth but they also increase your chances of pancrease cancer. I try my best to avoid drinking pop and stick to juice more often since its much more healthy and tastier for me. I actually consider pop as a junk food, who doesnt like junk food, right... I personally do but I try my best not to eat any of it esp. fast food restaurants. I've learnt that anything bad is easy to do and anything good is always harder to do. But nowadays with all the health awarnesses and positive TV shows im much more aware and into healthy foods and a healthy diet.

Will You Vote?

I am one of the people who will vote and I hope everybody will to in order for us to get a fair chance of who will be our Mayor. I'm voting because I think that if everybody choses not to vote than our mayor will be chosen based on only a couple of people's votes and that won't make it a fair thing. Chosing the right mayor is a huge deal because depending on who the mayor is our lifestyle's can be effected for the better or worse. Unfortunatley not all my friends are voting but there are quite a few who are because they share the same views as myself. The others who chose not to vote, simply think its pointless and don't want to waste their time. I think the main issues in toronto are the high taxes we keep paying as well as high ttc prices and insurance prices. All these things need to be worked on and these comapnies must stop ripping off the people by having stricter regulations.